Top-class customer service is one of the foundations for building a successful business and call centers are often on the front line. However,  a number of factors stand between a call center and its goal of providing the best in customer service. Call center mystery shopping can help identify those factors for you.

While there are numerous issues that can impact the efficiency and output of a call center, five common problems stand out above the rest.

1. Absenteeism:

The combination of erratic schedules and a stressful work environment at call centers can leave employees mentally, emotionally and physically drained, prompting them to call in sick. According to some statistics the average rate of annual absence in call centers across the world averaged close to 15%.

While this may not seem to be that bad, in reality this statistic can greatly impact the quality of service from your call center. And as other agents have to bear the responsibilities of the absentees, the increased workload impedes customer interactions and impacts staff morale. Call center mystery shopping can monitor those interactions to determine how they’re affecting your business.

An efficient way to overcome this is to track absenteeism by monitoring the trend of absence such as determining if the rate of absence is higher during weekends or around holidays. Once you have collected the data, communicate the impact of absenteeism to your employees.

2. Turnover:

Though call center jobs typically pay well, the demanding nature of the job causes many employees to seek better options elsewhere. With the absence of experienced agents, the quality of customer service is affected. The time and cost involved is an added disadvantage.

To challenge this issue, start from the hiring stage by hiring candidates who view this as a career choice and not a temporary assignment. Consider providing rewards and incentives to keep employees motivated.

3. Engagement:

Over time, the monotonous nature of a call center job and the endless stress of reaching targets affects the enthusiasm of many employees. This results in agents losing interest and becoming disheartened, followed by absenteeism and finally, attrition. Call center mystery shopping can help gauge the attitude of your employees so you can address the issue if needed.

Try implementing actions to boost employee morale. These can include organizing team building activities, recreational activities during work days, recognizing employee achievements, etc.

4. Lack of a Defined Growth Plan:

Though a large part of the call center industry takes steps to up-skill their agents, most of them do not have a defined career development path in place. This leaves call center agents in doubt about where they are in their career. To keep employees motivated, make sure to discuss the opportunities that exist and the realistic timetable needed to achieve them.

5. Low FCR Rate:

First call resolution (FCR) is one of the most important aspects of achieving customer satisfaction. But the growing nature of complex questions often makes it difficult for agents to offer an immediate solution. If the caller has to call more than once to resolve an issue, customer satisfaction will suffer.

A good way to handle this issue is to analyze the root cause of the issue. This involves exploring the reasons that customers call a contact center and using that information to defuse specific issues at the source. Call center mystery shopping can help gauge improvement.

If you’re wondering how the employees in your call center are treating your customers, we can help! Our call center mystery shopping offers simple, objective observations of your call center staff and operations through the eyes of a professional. Contact Reality Based Group today to find out how our programs can help your business edge out your competition.


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